Idea de
Heart Half (make 6 small heart halves each in A, B and
C colours; make 4 large heart halves each in A, B and C)
Ch 11 (17).
Round 1: 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 3
(6) ch, skip next 2 ch, sc in each of next 3 (6) ch, 3 sc in
last ch, working across opposite side of foundation ch, sc
in each of next 3 (6) ch, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch-2 space,
sc in each of next 3 (6) ch. Do not join rounds, Work in a
spiral, marking first st of each round, moving marker up as
work progresses.
Round 2: 2 sc in each of next 3 sc, sc in each of next 2 (5)
sc, skip next 2 sc, sc in each of next 2 (5) sc, 2 sc in each
of next 3 sc, sc in each of next 4 (7) sc, (sc, ch 2, sc) in
next ch-2 space, sc in each of next 4 (7) sc.
Round 3: [2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc] 3 times, sc in
each of next 1 (4) sc, skip next 2 sc, sc in each of next 1
(4) sc, [2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc] 3 times, sc in each of
next 4 (7) sc, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch-2 space, sc in each
of next 5 (8) sc. For small heart, join with slip st in next sc
and fasten off
Large Heart Only
Round 4: Sc in next sc, [2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc]
3 times, sc in each of next 2 sc, skip next 2 sc, sc in each
of next 4 sc, [2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc] 3 times, sc in
each of next 8 sc, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch-2 space, sc in
each of next 9 sc.
Round 5: Sc in next 2 sc, [2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc]
3 times, skip next 2 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, [2 sc in
next sc, sc in next 3 sc] 3 times, sc in each of next 9 sc,
(sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch-2 space, sc in each of next 10 sc;
join with slip st in next sc. Fasten off.
Weave in ends. With wrong sides facing, line up 2
matching heart halves. Using matching yarn, slip st around
edge through both hearts, stuff lightly when 2” from the
end. Repeat for all hearts.
Layout hearts in groupings – 6 groupings with either 2
or 3 hearts, arrange colors as desired. Cut a 24” length
of ribbon. Tie an overhand knot in ribbon 1” from end, tie
a second knot on top of first knot. Put ribbon onto yarn
needle, insert needle into a heart from bottom to top, slideheart to knot. Decide position for next heart, tie another
knot for base of heart, thread heart onto ribbon. Tie an
overhand knot 1” from end of each ribbon. Repeat for each
Cut two 1 yard lengths of ribbon. Fold in half and knot
together, about 2” from fold for a hanging loop.
Open embroidery hoop. Arrange strings of hearts, evenly
spaced around hoop. Close embroidery hoop over ends
of ribbons. Tie ends of hanging ribbons, evenly spaced
around hoop. Wrap remaining ribbon around embroidery
hoop in a candy cane stripe as pictured. Tie ends to
secure. Trim ends
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